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Williamsburg County School District office staff enjoy the eclipse.

On April 8, the people of Williamsburg County grabbed their protective glasses and headed outside for the first solar eclipse since “the big one” in 2017 when South Carolina was in the path of totality. Monday’s eclipse was only about 75% coverage, but it didn’t stop people from enjoying the show. The eclipse began around 1:54 p.m. was at maximum coverage at 3:12 p.m., and was over by 4:26 p.m.

The next solar eclipse will be a penumbral lunar eclipse on September 18, 2024. A penumbral lunar eclipse is when the moon moves through the faint outer part of Earth’s shadow. The next total lunar eclipse will be March 14, 2025.

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Kenneth Gardner Leadership Academy students learn about the eclipse.

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Vital Aging’s administrative staff took a moment to enjoy the partial solar eclipse on April 8.

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A Kenneth Gardner Leadership Academy student experiences the eclipse through her protective glasses. Photo provided.

You can reach Nichole by email at

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